Thursday, January 26, 2012

While we were gone...

While we were away, the cutest newlywed couple ever,Stewart and his wife Melissa, came and hung out with our boys. The boys (and their friends) think Melissa is a hotty and they love Stewart. Meaning, they love giving Stewart a hard time. Meaning they couldn't help but introduce him to our family friend, Manny. I blogged about him here and here.
This is what happened when Gabe had the genius idea to attach the Go-Pro (video camera) to the mannequin's head and then call unsuspecting Stewart downstairs to play video games. Gabe yells, "Okay, are you ready to get beaten?!" Sheesh.
Thankfully, they knew to draw the line with Melissa (or maybe she threatened them with their lives).
I just have to add right here how thankful I am for them both and hope that one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive us or at least give us a chance to let them retaliate.

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