Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas to Me

I know I've said it before (like once a month) but I will say it again for all of you who may have missed it the other bazillion times...I LOVE my Family Home Evening Group.
If you want to give yourself the "gift that keeps on giving" all you need to do is..
  • Find a group of women that share similar values, priorities and interests.
  • Meet together on a regular basis (we get together once a month).
  • Share good food (we love having an opportunity to make and eat things that our husbands and children most likely would not appreciate).
  • Trade off hosting each other in your homes.
  • Create an environment where you can share opinions, thoughts, ideas, hopes, failures, and successes.
  • Laugh. Cry. Eat. Laugh some more.
  • Think...."I am the luckiest girl in the world!"

Rebecca hosted. I couldn't get enough of her beautiful, warm, cozy, Christmas home! I was almost on "sensory overload." I could hardly take it all in fast enough.

Lunch consisted of:
  • (Not your mother's) Hot Chocolate
  • Butternut Squash soup (the best I've ever had)
  • Chipotle Lime Shrimp Salad
  • Rosemary biscuits w/ honey butter
  • Nordstrom's Bread Pudding (what is it called?) Hands down my favorite dessert of all time.
Needless to say..I was so busy eating..I didn't really think about my camera. Plus...seeing pictures would have just made you all really jealous and hungry.
These are some of the women that inspire me... (Not shown..Kristin and Andi)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"Out of small and simple things...

are great things brought to pass." That was the message accompanying a beautiful acorn necklace and given to me by a friend at the beginning of November. I thought a lot about that sentiment. I have always loved acorns-mostly I think because they are part of the beauty of the autumn season that I love so much-but I don't think I ever really gave a lot of thought to what they might represent. Suddenly I was noticing seemingly small (and simple) acts and could follow them through to their grand end. Seemingly small things like... a friend who makes it a point to rub lotion on my dry, hardened hands 3 times a week. Or busy moms who enthusiastically and willingly agree to help with a ward party during the craziest time of year. Or a ward that caught the vision of giving and service and donated generously of their means to help others in need. Or a clerk at Home Depot who went out of her way to brighten everyone's day who had the privilege of going through her check out line. Or attending a weekly scripture class with a teacher who, through her study and enthusiasm, has planted a seed of love and understanding of Isiahi's words. Small things really. And yet so big. But what is my contribution? I am guilty of often thinking that bigger is better. And in the case of Christian's ACT score or storage space, that may be true-but so little else really falls into that category. (And those two things are even debatable). Point is..I know I just need to make an effort. Regardless of how seemingly small it may seem at the time. Send the thank you note. Park at the end of the lot and walk. Have a water instead of a diet coke. Give sympathy when "someone" isn't feeling well. All tiny acorns of effort but possibly with giant oak results.

Jill is my favorite acorn. She make look tiny, but the love she gives is oh, so BIG!

  • Hosted my family+Kelli's in-laws+Uncle Dick and Michelle for Thanksgiving. Loved it.
  • Made two turkeys. Overcooked one and undercooked the other.
  • Had apple spice cake and pumpkin streussel instead of pies for dessert. YUM!
  • Saw Tangled. New favorite movie.
  • Had a little "hostess neurosis" and set down my camera two minutes after everyone came and then never picked it up again. pics.
Sure, Kelli's salad is beautiful but so are her biceps!

Cousin Kate the roommate, Hailee, Michelle

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I guess it's no secret..turns out my 2 girls really do read my blog

(Sophie fills in Jill during the First Presidency Christmas Devotional)
Who knew? The very people I started blogging for in the first place really do check in on occasion. I have had several requests from them to update. So..I'm breaking down and blogging once more.The problem now is... where do I start?