Thursday, February 24, 2011

Girls just wanna food.

Much as I love my handsome boys, I was so very excited when the holiday weekend gave me a chance to be with my girl. And as luck would have it, she upped the odds and brought her roommate, Stephanie, to join the fun.
I loved watching these two interact with each other. Both are very easy going, quick witted and at times-opionated.
But they kept their opinions to themselves when they had to wait for me to peruse the sale section at Anthropologie. (They have no idea how much longer I could have been)
Hailee's first request after getting home..? Country burrito at Molca Salsa. (We had to send this picture to Brittney and Jordan in London who were sending us pictures of their adventures and trying to make us jealous. For Brittney, at least, this place would cause major homesickness pangs). Do you see my bag of marinated carrots on the counter? Eater beware. Have your drink at the ready.
Jordan got home Monday. First place he wanted to go...? Five Guys Burgers and Fries. He made the mistake of ordering regular-not cajun-fries. The masses converged on him and- scared for his life-he had to humble himself and go back to the counter and correct his mistake. I think it gave Stephanie a little insight into how seriously the Radmans take their fast food.

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