Tuesday, May 18, 2010

B.E. Aggressive.

"Be Aggressive..B-E-Aggressive!"
It's the cheer I do for Gabe before every one of his soccer games. I don't think it does much more than to annoy and embarrass him. So I might stop. Point is...my youngest boy who has all of the skills and techniques of a fabulous soccer player and really likes to win-certainly does not want to do so at all costs. Especially any cost involving bodily harm to himself or anyone else for that matter. And that really is okay with me-as long as it's okay with him. And that is where it gets tricky. It's not okay with him.

Saturday was his last soccer game this season (hold the tissues please) and he and the team played a great season. We will be back for more. He loves it. He knows it is getting more and more competitive. He knows he may get his shins kicked (or worse) and he is ready to put forth his best effort. Either way, I told him if I had to choose between having a son that was a super star aggressive athlete and one that was a good, sweet kid-I would for sure choose the later. "But mom," he said, "I don't think you need to choose. I think you can have both."
Have I mentioned how much I love this kid?

Coach Evan is a 5 star coach and athlete and according to Gabe one of the few people he knows with "more than a 6-pack."