Then...the family came for breakfast. This is truly the best meal of the year. Carmel hot cocoa with peppermint and marshmallows, dutch oven pancakes with fresh fruit and coconut syrup, breakfast casseroles, hash-brown casseroles with fresh salsa, grapefruits and pomegranates, and Vicki's homemade sweet rolls. Honestly, I made myself a little sick. I couldn't seem to quit feeding my face.
No doubt that what they are looking at involves technology.
Kelli and Brandt
More technology. It looks like Jodi can even text with her eyes closed.
Kelli and Mads
Kelli and Brandt
My favorite gift this year came from this boy. My brother gave each of his sisters and his parents a gift of service. Everything from babysitting to handy-man jobs. Mine also included free tennis lessons for Jordan. :) (They have a little rivalry going. Everytime they play tennis together, they both come back saying that they won.)